Relax is a mixture of two fungicides – Mancozeb and Metalaxyl. The partner Mancozeb acts by its contact action while Metalaxyl has systemic action
Dual action, broad spectrum fungicide which controls diseases by its preventive as well as curative action. This unique combi – fungicide is a best tool for preventing and or delaying resistance development in fungal population of oomycetes. Specialty fungicide to control foliar as well as soil borne diseases like Downy mildew, late blight, damping off, phytophthora rots etc.
Relax can be used as seed treatment, foliar spray, nursery drench and in pre harvest sprays to manage post harvest diseases.Rapid uptake and trans-location towards growing tips helps to protect the plant from oomycetes diseases for longer period of approximately 14 days.
Crops: Potato, Grapes, Mustard, Tobacco, Pepper, Pearl Millets etc.